Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer is overpowered. Totally, insanely, stupidly overpowered. Superman is as well, but the entirety of comic book fandom doesn't seem to look the other way for the Surfer the way they do for Supey. The Silver Surfer is so stupid powerful that I actually had to do some research to determine exactly how powerful he is. I don't normally do that for these blogs, I usually just pull half-facts out of my ass, make a few sexy jokes, put a pic at the top, and call it art. I won't list all his powers here. I'll make light of them when relevent because, like Peter Petrelli before him, the Silver Surfer wouldn't need all the powers at his disposal to win.

Superman is very strong and very fast. The Silver Surfer is even more so. It is hard to determine exactly how strong the Surfer is, but he very recently went a few rounds with the Hulk without the benefit of being able to tap into his other powers. The Hulk still gave him a decent beating, but the fact that the Surfer wasn't crushed like a tin can says volumes for his strength. Now, being stronger than the Hulk doesn't neccessarily make one stronger than Superman (the exact limit of Superman's strength being as ill-defined as they are) I will supplant this by mentiong that the Surfer can move faster than light on his board. Superman can be as strong as he wants since he wouldn't be able to lay a hand on the Surfer anyway.

However, should Norrin decide not to simply pummel Superman into a bloody clump he always has the option of using on of his other million and a half superpowers. He has the ability to restructure matter, so I guess he could just transmute Superman into a bloody clump. It's probably easier. He could use his power cosmic to blast Superman into a bloody clump, or his size-altering powers to stomp Superman into a bloody clump. The Silver Surfer has a lot of different ways to render Superman a bloody clump.

Just to be devil's advocate, I'll try to think of weaknesses the Surfer has that Superman might exploit. Many people believe that the Surfer gains his powers from his board. This is not true. The Surfer is little more than momentarily inconvenienced when his board is damaged. I guess Superman could throw him into the sun, but the Surfer is immune to the effects of most radiation, and can actually absorb and channel such energies through his body. Assuming Superman could actaully manage to get him in the sun to begin with. The Silver Surfer is kind of powerful.

Next Week: Goku

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