Saturday, February 28, 2009


So a while ago I told myself that I would not do anymore Kaiju. But I can't be done with Kaiju without having done Gamera, can I? He's like my favorite non-Ultra Series, non-Toho Kaiju! Shit! I can't be done Kaiju until I do Hedorah and U-Killer Saurus!

Gamera is the original super-powered turtle. He may not be a ninja, but he needn't be, he can shoot fiery plasma balls out of his mouth, which is better in some ways. He can also fly by spinning like a flying saucer (or more recently by blasting jets out of his legs). His shell is nigh-indestructible, and has various means by which to heal from injuries (whether it be by hibernation or simply replacing lost limbs with replacements of pure plasma).

Gamera also gets his power directly from the adulation of children, which I guess is pretty cool. Superman only feigns being a champion of the people, Gamera actually is. Even if Superman did manage a killing blow through Gamera's super-tough shell, the kids of Japan would just burst into song for some reason, and Gamera would rise again to strike down westernization. I guess Superman could kill all the children in Japan if he wanted to, but that would be a bit of a dick thing to do. Plus Gamera could beat him in the mean time.

This is all in addition to all the stuff I bring up in every boring ass kaiju article. I maintain that I don't think ALL kaiju could beat him. Just the good ones. Fuck you, Kumonga!

Next Week: Pennywise

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